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Hear inspirational stories of recent AWF scholarship recipients about how receiving support funding helped them achieve their goals:

“It encourages me to have the confidence and faith in myself to rise in leadership positions in the finance field, and make it more inclusive together with men.”
“At times, it can be discouraging to see a lack of gender parity and representation within the finance industry, but [the Maureen Howe AWF Lifetime Achievement Award] has reminded me to continue working towards my career and academic goals.”
“The scholarship will allow me to pursue my degree, reducing the amount I would have to work at my two part-time Jobs. This is truly a blessing for me as I will be able to fully immerse myself into my studies, and as a result, achieve better grades.”
AWF Scholarship Recipient
“(…) allows me to focus more on school to get the absolute most I can out of my classes.”
“This scholarship has allowed me to keep my focus on my academic studies, as well as live a well-balanced life. (…) This award is more than just an award; it provides opportunities for the future.”
AWF Scholarship Recipient
“Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals, as just as you have helped me to achieve mine.”
“This scholarship makes a tremendous amount of difference in the affordability of my education, day-to-day living, and the focus of my studies. (…) My goals for the future are to empower others to pursue their passions. I cannot measure the amount of gratitude I have for the people that have given their wisdom, resources, and time in order for me to succeed.”
“I was thrilled to learn of my selection for this honor and I am deeply appreciative of [AWF’s] generosity. AWF's efforts inspired me to focus my future endeavors on supporting women empowerment initiatives.”